Sunday, January 10, 2010

A year ago today

Can you believe that it was only a year ago Sam was this little? We took this picture because despite the fact that he'd been crawling (up steps, even) he'd refused to sit for us. Here he is sitting for one of the first times. What really blows my mind is how high up his mattress is and that there's no crib tent over him to keep him in there. I used to be able to sneak in and cover him up in the middle of the night, something I can't do now because the sounds of the zipper has him on his feet, arms outstretched, ready to egress the crib despite being mostly asleep. Also missing in this picture are the million and one stuffed animals, five blankets and musical elephant that he likes to play with in the morning. Where did my baby go? How did he get so big so fast?


  1. Doesn't it just make your ovaries ache? I can't believe that we're only a little over four months to LG's first birthday already. It makes me want to cry.

  2. Oh I know, I hear you on that one!!
