Sunday, January 17, 2010

Okay, you got me.

For those of you keeping track, you got me. I didn't blog yesterday. I simply forgot in the middle of the day and then I got home so late at night that I barely had the energy to crawl into bed, let alone try to blog. However! According to the rules of Blog 365, I'm allowed to post retroactively, so that's what I'm doing!

But why were you out so late, Linda? you are wondering right about now. Well! My friend Joanna had two free tickets to the DuPont Theater to see Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from "Who's Line Is It Anyway?". She got them last minute from her mother, who couldn't use them because she's recently had some surgery. (Sad!) (But very nice for us!) It was a funny show, of course, and our faces hurt from laughing so much. By the end of the night we were both holding our cheeks.

The coolest part of the whole evening, though, was when Colin Mochrie (who is my favorite "Who'sLine?" comedian) needed to go out into the lobby so that he couldn't hear the audience. He needed a guest chaperone to ensure that he wasn't cheating and picked me, probably because I was on the aisle and cringing toward Joanna in an effort to remain unseen. He held out his hand to me and said "Would you come with me, miss?"  What was I going to do? Say no? Off into the lobby we went where I proceeded to have the nicest conversation with him. He said he was getting too old for this whole thing and when I remarked that it must be difficult to work nights, he mentioned that he'd just flown back from the Congo on Wednesday, so he was still adjusting. He said he had been doing work with World Vision there and that the kids really grabbed his heart. I told him about the work we'd done in Peru and said that because we'd had trouble having children, the kids in the orphanage in Huaraz really affected me too. He has only one son, as do I, and we talked about how great our kids were (of course they are!) and about how great our spouses are, too. He's been married for 21 years; I had no idea. That's a long time for someone in showbiz and it made me like him more. I told him that I'd only been married 7 yeas but that Jeff and I had known each other our entire lives. And that's when we were interrupted by an usher, telling us that Colin was needed back on stage. I felt very, very cool as I went back to my seat.

After the show, Joanna and I enjoyed some delicious chocolate cake with peanut butter icing at the North Star Grill. I felt like I was back in college for a moment, going out for a show and then enjoying some yummy food afterwards. I did NOT feel like I was in college this morning when I woke up with a headache, though. (Or maybe I did...but without having any of the fun the night before.) Lucky for me, my spouse is every bit as great as the things I say and so he woke up with Sam and got a handle on things here.

So that, dear readers, is why I did not blog yesterday. And I think that is a pretty good reason. :)


  1. How adorable! I had no idea you were blogging here - where have I been - d'oh? Love the pics - you and Sam are adorable.

    Oh and you know that Lynn is coming over next summer, right?

  2. Glad you had so much fun!! How cool!
