Merry Christmas...again. If you follow the Gregorian calendar, today is Christmas. Jeff and I have a habit of observing Christmas again on this day because it seems free of the stress and hype of traditional Christmas. So this morning we gave Sam his last present (from Aunt Beth, Uncle Josh, Zeke, Deacon and Omi) and let him have another taste of the holidays. We played with his Little People nativity while I explained the Christmas story to him. I'm sure he doesn't grasp much of it yet at his age but I like our tradition. And I like how special this otherwise random day becomes when I change my focus to where it really matters.

Monster bowling!
I am not the first to think of Thankful Thursdays; I think
Jess at daysgoby might actually have been the one to introduce me to the concept. Regardless, I want to make a habit of being thankful for the blessings in my life. So today I am grateful for:
A husband who loves to take our son to BK PlayPlace.
A beautiful, active little boy to love, nurture and cherish.
PBS television
broiled tomatoes stuffed with their own insides, feta cheese and basil.
the vacuum cleaner and a well body to use it.
Merry Christmas to all. Dad and I missed our celebration due to work. Love you guys. Mom