Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Our Delaware state background and criminal history checks came back clear on Saturday!  This means that our social worker can finally write our homestudy and we will be officially waiting for a child.  Christyn has two other homestudies to write before ours and will be away for a week, so the estimated time for that to be completed is the first week of September, right around the time I will be flying to Germany to visit Beth.  Basically, two weeks.  Two weeks!  Then the real waiting begins.

Now I have to write our profile, a daunting task.  I have to write a two-page "Dear Birthmom" letter, telling prospective firstmoms all about our family and what we like to do.  I then have to scrapbook it all with photos.  It's harder than you might think.  I've got a rough draft started and I always feel like I'm saying "Dear Birthmom, we don't want to toot our own horns but beep beep!"  There's also a little despair as I wonder who would choose us?  There are so many healthy parents out there waiting for a child, why would anyone want us?  My friend Lorie assures me that this is all under God's control, just like everything else.  I'm struggling to believe her (and God!)

I owe you all some fantastic London stories but I'm going to save them for another post.  I'm sorry for the lack of updates during the end of July and beginning of August; things were very hectic around here.  I'm sure I'll have plenty to say as we wait.  In the mean time, I'm off to go work on our profile!