I just want to say that in addition to being absolutely humongous (almost ready to move to 4T; my heart cannot take it) he is still stubbornly in love with his blankey, his mommy (hooray!) and Curious George. And....ketchup. Truthfully, when we first started giving him ketchup, I didn't really think he'd like it. It's not that Sam is an especially picky eater so much as he doesn't like his foods touching or combined and I didn't really think he'd feel the dipping love. But oh, how he did. First for chicken nuggets, then hot dogs and as recently as last night, for pizza. Yes, pizza. I foolishly made the mistake of cutting his pizza into bite-sized pieces, thinking that he'd eat them with his hands or fork (whatever, we hang loose with utensils around here) and leave the ketchup for his onion rings (which he loves as well, strange child.) But after a five minute meltdown caused by losing no fewer than FIVE bites of pizza in the little container of ketcheup, I gave up trying to persuade him that it was gross and cut his pizza into strips for better handling. He proceeded to happily wolf down the rest of the piece and half of another while solemnly nodding his head yes and saying "Mmmm, Mommy! Mmmm!" at me as he ate.
He is SO his father's child.
Deacon is a big fan of ketchup as well. He'll eat it all by itself if we don't stop him from dipping his FINGER in it over and over and over and over and over...you get the idea.
ReplyDeleteBut what a cutie!
Ava loves her some ketchup, too! Ethan and I can't stand it and Travis is somewhere in the middle, but her bio brother Conner is the same way! It's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteHey, I say whatever gets them to eat! :)
And he is ADORABLE. Nice pictures. Both my kids are ketchup hounds! But it gets them to eat almost all of their vegetables so I'm not complaining.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with a bit of ketchup (we call it tomato sauce here in SA) Surely it's a food group? :-)
ReplyDeleteThat boy of yours is too beautiful for words!
So glad to see that you are blogging again. We love to see the pictures of Sam and hear all about how he is doing. He is such a handsome kid and you do such great activities with him.
ReplyDeleteMiss you, Aunt Lorrie'