Saturday, February 6, 2010

and then I blew up the oven

You may have heard by now about the little storm that casually wandered over to the east coast and proceeded to paralyze parts of it with massive amounts of snow. Lucky us, we were the recipeints of a lot of that snow; it started snowing yesterday at around 4 PM and when it stopped at that same time today, we were left with 32 inches on the ground. When I woke up this morning, this is what I saw:

Yes, that is snow drifted a quarter of the way up my kitchen window. The drifts on that side of the house reach the roofs of our cars. There was also this:

but that's just blown into the window. I think. We didn't actually go outside to see. (Gulp!)

So because we were snowbound, I did what I like to do those days and began cooking and baking. I made a vat of chili and two loaves of wheat bread. It was my first time making wheat bread and I have to say that it came out very well. But that's probably because I had help from my favorite little boy:

I think we did well together:

Not pictured: Sam and I chowing down on that first loaf. It is SO good!

Unfortunately, I seem to have blown up the oven in the course of baking. I'm not sure if an exhaust fan was covered outside by the snow or if our oven is experiencing a resurgence of the issues it had when it was new but twice during the last five minutes of baking, the oven door blew itself open. Good times! I was very glad that Jeff and Sam were upstairs doing bathtime.  So we're not using the oven until the snow melts and we can get someone here to look at it.  Lucky for us, the crockpot is still in good working order!


  1. I for one was hoping for something much juicier with that title! More like the oven blew ITSELF up, not you doing something wild! Blast! :)

    32 inches is A LOT of snow. IN CASE you weren't aware.

    Glad you had a good snow day!

  2. What a cute assistant you have! I'm not sad my days of being snowed in are over. If you choose to defrost, I know of some people who live South of you that you could visit!

  3. Only got half that amount here in PA

  4. I won't talk about how much snow we have here...

    Exploding Oven sounds like fun, also a good name for the Ramones cover band I know Sam is going to start when he gets older :)
