Friday, June 5, 2009

One year ago today...

...we got the call that we had been selected to be the parents of a little boy, due to be born on June 25th. And life has not been the same since!

May 09 047

May 09 079

May 09 035

May 09 089

Thank God.

I love you, Samster Hamster.


  1. Yay for Sam turning one! We are so glad you are part of the fam.

    Just some words of advise from your favorite uncle; people do not find it as cute when you rip out a fart at 28 as they do now (trust me I know), so enjoy it while it lasts:) Also bathing is over-rated, I recommend holding out until you start shaving, your mom will love that.

  2. wow, i can't believe it's almost his birthday already!
