My dear sweet Sam~
Today you are three months old. It hardly seems possible that you have only been here three months. It feels as though you have been part of our lives forever and I cannot imagine what I ever did with myself before you arrived. And yet simultaneously it feels as though you just got here yesterday. How can you be so big already? You are 16 pounds and 25 inches long. How did my tiny baby grow into such a big boy?
Now that we have figure out how to make your tummy comfortable, you are an entirely different baby. You have made up the developmental milestones you missed in spades. You smile at me now, delighted to see me after a nap or a long night's sleep. You laugh, gasping with glee as I ask you "MORE kisses?" and smother your cheeks and mouth with five years of pent up love. You love to play the tongue game with me, smiling that wide smile as I stick my tongue out at you. You look at me intently and then stick your tongue out hesitantly until I praise you, clapping my hands, and then you smile and coo at me, pleased no end with yourself.
You love to play with the animals in the play gym Auntie Kath sent you, particularly the giraffe. You take a savage delight in grabbing hold of his colored feet and yanking at him until he comes off his linky and crashes to the ground. You shake him above your head like a trophy while blowing raspberries, a tiny little Lord of the Flies.
You are snuggly and sweet at night, a sleepy weight in my arms. You follow your father and me with your eyes if someone else is holding you, making sure you know where we are at all times. You are content with babysitters, especially Auntie JoJo who wears you around in her baby sling, but you seem happy to see us when we come back. You have changed from a screamy, pain-filled baby into a happy, playful child and we find you just delicious.
Darling son, I love being your mother. It is the single most fulfilling thing I have ever done and your very presence sometimes brings me to tears. I know that everyone has glommed onto this fact already but I HAVE A BABY! And that baby is you. You are worth every tear, every sleepless night, every year we had to wait. You are more than I ever dared hope for and I am in love with you so much that I physically ache. You are a gift, my child, and I hope you will always remember that.
All my love,
your mother
How beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us, Linda. I am continually praying for you guys as well as praising God for the amazing gift He has given you guys.
ReplyDeleteSam, you are one lucky kid to have the parents God gave you to. Always remember that.
Love you guys!
Uhhhh, that was BEAUTIFUL. I think I'm going to go cry now. Sheesh, thanks a lot Lin.
ReplyDelete:) I love you!