He came downstairs bright and early, a little confused by the piles of wrapped packages scattered about the floor. He crawled around, having a look at it all.
But he didn't show any interest in doing anything with any of them (he's heard "no touch!" on too many occassions, I think!) until Grammy led the charge. Then he tentatively started ripping off paper.
He paused to thoroughly investigate each thing he opened which really paid off at Grammy cookie/paint marker fun box. Cookies for breakfast, why not? It's Christmas!
There was Play-doh in there too. That got eaten as well but not until later. :) (Nice face, Dad!)
This is the awesome Little People nativity that Mom and Dad got for Sam. The stable plays "Away in the Manger" when you put the angel on top and press down. Sam figured out that you can also put a bunch of other things in the angel's place so we've had a cat, Joseph and the innkeeper up there too. Everyone gets a turn!
This is Sam crawling through the tunnel/tent combo. Along with the toy vacuum we got him, I think this is the favorite toy. That Grandpa knows what's fun!
Playing hopscotch, or "dancing" as we call it.
Me reading the Christmas story to Sam.
Sammy with Grammy at his new art table, playing with his new paint markers.
This picture pretty much sums up Sam's feelings about my parents. :)
There's more to see on video but I'll save that for another post. I hope you all had a happy Christmas!