What's up?!

Auntie Beff told me that you think Mommy doesn't post enough pictures of me on the internet. And I think you are totally right. She has been completely slacking off on her responsibilities lately. After all, she didn't even write me a letter when I turned five months old!

She was all: "Your father is having multiple seizures! We have to travel for Thanksgiving! I'm having so many migraines I think I'm going to stroke out any second!" Lame.
I figured I'd take things into my own hands.
I can do all sorts of cool things now. For starters, I was observing my cousin Deacon when we hung out in August and I've acquired his technique of housing cereal (well, any food really) like there's no tomorrow. Oh man, that stuff is SO GOOD. Have you tried it? Food? You really should.

In addition, I can now rock out on the drums. Oh yeah!

The ladies love it, I'm not going to lie. I've got this one girlfriend, Addie CutePunks...well, I'll save that story for when I see you in person. All I'll say is she wears this little pink barette...CUTE!
I'll bet Mommy never told you that I am good with animals, either. Uncle Josh, I am a veritable BeastMaster. KaKaw! Look at how I tamed this guy:

Now he just follows me around all day, meowing for treats. I know. I am THAT good. Please notice my awesome pirate bib and skully booties. I am fierce! Do not mess with me. Tigey knows.
Aside from tiger taming, rocking the drums and eating myself into a coma every night, I like to spend time working out in my jumpy seat. Gotta keep my muscles in shape, you know? Fitness is important if you want to be a cage fighter.

When the endorphins kick in I just get so happy! I start laughing and I jump higher and higher until someone eventually says "Whoa! Slow down there!" No one seems to mind that I am damaging the molding in their home. Being intensely cute has benefits.
At the end of the day, I'm pretty tired. Being a baby is hard work, what with all the public appearances, trying to grow (cell replication is REALLY HARD) and all the digestion I'm doing. I normally sack out around 7 PM.

Anyway, that's about all that's going with me. Sorry Mommy didn't fill you in sooner. I'll have a chat with her about that.
Love from your favorite nephew,
Samster the Hamster